Grumplets and Pests Compare and Contrast
This compare and contrast activity is a great companion activity to use along with Zoey and Sassafras Grumplets and Pests by Asia Citro. Includes: a Venn Diagram and Writing page (2 line sizes included). CLICK HERE for this FREE resource from Printable Prompts.

Grumplets and Pests Comprehension Questions
If you're reading Zoey and Sassafras Grumplets and Pests with your students, this book companion includes chapter questions for each of the 17 chapters. Varied question types, vocabulary connection, and a discusion prompt help to make for rich reading group discussion and literature circle work. This includes a comprehension journal cover, 17 pages of chapter questions, and sample answers for each chapter. CLICK HERE to purchase this resource from Printable Prompts.

Vocabulary Freebie
This freebie will have your students practicing and applying some of the vocabulary they are reading and learning in the text. This freebie will be included in a book study coming soon! CLICK HERE to get this FREE resource from Going Strong in Second Grade!

Book Companion Printables
If you haven't read this sweet STEM series yet, it's a perfect series for emerging readers. They also make great read alouds! Each story also has STEM tie-ins. This resource has science, math, and ELA printables to use with the story. CLICK HERE to get this FREE resource from Meredith Anderson — Momgineer.